[2025-02-09 18:53:10] Core(433): E_WARNING: Undefined array key "billic_lock_session_ip", File: /var/www/6ab474d6-cdc0-4240-941a-f8f83d769a20/public_html/Modules/Core.php
Documentation > Getting Started > API


VirtPanel has the ability to be managed easily by using an integrated API.


How to setup an API Key

This can be done by going to "Tools" -> "API Access". Then, enter the main IP address of the server your script is located and click on Add.

On the API Access page, get the randomly generated API Key. The IP Address is now ready to access the API.


Example Generic Usage (Applies to everything in the GUI)

!!! When using the apikey for API Access, POST fields are also accepted as GET !!!

List Virtual Machines

http://you.virtpanel.com/?vm&apikey=XXXXXX Returns: The HTML of the page as accessed normally though the GUI. Add Rule to Firewall (POST EXAMPLE) http://you.virtpanel.com/?security&apikey=XXXXXX&action=firewall&subaction=add&id=1&type=tcp&port=80&add=1

Returns: The HTML of the page as accessed normally though the GUI.


Special API Functions

List Accounts


Returns: A JSON encoded array of all your accounts.

List Server Hostnames


Returns: A comma separated list of server hostnames.

List Servers


Optional Arguments: type (currently only qemu)

Returns: A comma separated list of servers.

List Servers (Detailed)


Optional Arguments: type (currently only qemu)

Returns: A JSON encoded array of all your servers with their settings.

List Server Pools


Returns: A comma separated list of server pool names.

List Plans


Returns: A comma separated list of plans.

List Templates


Required Arguments: type (currently only qemu)

Returns: A comma separated list of templates. The format is: filename.lzo [128 XX] where XX is either B, KB, MB or GB.

One Time Login Auth Key


Required Arguments: username (the account username)

Returns: The plain key.

Explanation: The end user should be logged into the panel by accessing http://you.virtpanel.com/?login&auth=XXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXX is the key returned from the API. The key can only be used once and lasts for 60 seconds after generation.

Get Account Details


Required Arguments: username (the account username)

Returns: A JSON encoded array of the single account.

Get Account Logs


Required Arguments: username (the account username)

Returns: A JSON encoded array of the action logs.


Get Task History


Required Arguments: username (the account username)

Returns: A JSON encoded array of the task history.

Get Account IP Addresses


Required Arguments: username (the account username)

Returns: A comma separated list of IP addresses that the account has been assigned.

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