[2025-02-09 18:28:30] Core(433): E_WARNING: Undefined array key "billic_lock_session_ip", File: /var/www/6ab474d6-cdc0-4240-941a-f8f83d769a20/public_html/Modules/Core.php
Documentation > Modules/Addons > HostBill Module

HostBill Module

HostBill Module (Version 2.2)

Warning: It has been reported that HostBill has been updated and the module no longer works. If you would like to see an updated module please open a support ticket.
Installation Instructions
  1. DELETE the old module from your system: includes/modules/Hosting/virtpanel
  2. Unzip the archive downloaded from the link above.
  3. Create the folder /includes/simplemodules/Hosting/virtpanel/
  4. Upload the virtpanel.php file to /includes/simplemodules/Hosting/virtpanel/
  How to get an API Key for the module
  1. Login to your VirtPanel control panel.
  2. Go to Settings -> Tools. Click on “API Access”.
  3. Click on the “Add Access” link.
  4. For “IP Address”, enter the main IP Address of the server where your WHMCS installation exists.
  5. Click on Add. A random API Key string will be generated.
  6. Go back to the API Access page.
  7. Copy the API Key that was generated. HostBill needs this API Key to access your VirtPanel.
  HostBill App Configuration In HostBill, go to Settings -> Modules -> Hosting Modules. Activate the VirtPanel Module. Then, go to Settings -> Apps. You will need to configure some basic settings inside your HostBill for the App Module.
  1. Domain = The domain of your VirtPanel install. Example: yourcompany.virtpanel.com
  2. API Key = The API Key, as obtained in the above step.

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