[2025-02-09 18:18:13] Core(433): E_WARNING: Undefined array key "billic_lock_session_ip", File: /var/www/6ab474d6-cdc0-4240-941a-f8f83d769a20/public_html/Modules/Core.php
Documentation > Getting Started > Using additional disks for VPS

Using additional disks for VPS

Let's say you have three disks in your server;


You can list the disks inside your server using this command: fdisk -l

The operating system is usually installed on the /dev/sda disk.

Here are instructions to partition the additional disk /dev/sdb (the same process would be valid for any other disks, just replace the disk letter)

Initialize the empty disk: parted /dev/sdb mklabel msdos

Create a new partition to fill the disk: parted -a optimal /dev/sdb mkpart primary 1M 100%

This should have created the partition /dev/sdb1 You can confirm this by using the command fdisk -l /dev/sdb and you should see the new partition.

Format the new partition using this command: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

Create a new mount folder for the disk: mkdir /disk2 (if this was your third disk then use /disk3 etc)

Get the UUID of the new partition using this command: blkid /dev/sdb1

Now you need to add the following line to /etc/fstab replacing the UUID with the correct UUID you got from the command above.

UUID=00000000-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-000000000000 /disk2 ext4 defaults 0 0

Then mount the disk (this will be done automatically every reboot by the line in /etc/fstab)

mount /disk2

You can now add the folder in VirtPanel to the server's list of "Disk Paths" for example: /vps,/disk2 (/vps is the default location for your first disk)

You will now be able to see the disk usage inside the server's page inside VirtPanel.

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